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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i have noticed that S400 is much harder to find on ebay than the S500 is. basically, it's non-existent. the prices are really cheap for the S500. less than 100.00 for the last 2 i saw. how much of a difference is there between the two models? i currently wear graf 704.

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Any reviews on the S400? I think my parents are getting me a pair for my birthday and I was wondering if they are worth the money.

I just learned to skate 4 years ago (but I'll be 32 in May) and have only worn a pair of Mission Amp 3's to play adult rec. hockey since. My Amp 3 skates were my first and only pair of ice skates. How will the S400 compare in fit? I noticed they have fewer eyelets around the ankle, are they shorter?

Thanks, and by the way, I don't have any LHS here in Kansas that stock Mission skates so I can't try them on.

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I had the S400's before I got my RbK 5K Pumps. They were very very nice skates. Didn't need them baked, perfect fit right away. PITCH holder definitely was a plus, and if I could, I'd switch the holder onto my 5K's (it's not an "it can't be done" situation, it's a "parents won't let me do what I want with my equipment" situation). The skates were awesome, only thing that happened to them was the eyelets broke off towards the end of use (about a year).

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