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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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eagle custom pro's

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Does anyone out there have these gloves? If so what are your thoughts about them? Would you get them again? I know they are expensive. I see lot's of x70's mentioned but I would like to hear some opinions of the Custom Pro's (beyond their price). I've seen the ones they have at eastwest but many of those seem to have a longer cuff. Anyone just order the straight up CP's from their LHS? How was that process and how long did it take? Thanks. B)

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I got some, and they were the best gloves i ever had. they are comfortable, they have great protection, and they have the nicest palm on the market. I stupidly lost one of my gloves, and had to get some new gloves. I couldt afford the CP's again, so i had to get pro tacks, but if i had the money, I would get them again in a heartbeat.

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I'm going to order a custom set of Xtreme's in the coming weeks after I tried some out the other day, I loved them. I've been using eagle x80s for about 4 years and decided its time for some new ones and these are costing me 230.

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a couple of my teamates had these gloves and they said they were the best gloves they have ever had. They make Vapor XX's feel like Vapor XV's B)

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