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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should i?

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ya thts true and do u have a pic of yours u could like send me ?

and prep properly all your meaning is shake well and that b.s.

Man you have to use your best english you can use on this board for people that don't know english that well. I think it's one of the rules on this site.

rule # 6

edit/ thanks gavin I should have said know

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ya thts true and do u have a pic of yours u could like send me ?

and prep properly all your meaning is shake well and that b.s.

Man you have to use your best english you can use on this board for people that don't no english that well. I think it's one of the rules on this site.

rule # 6

Please understand snap I'm not bashing you, but even without noticing it you said "no" when you meant (i think) "know." I had to re-read the sentence about 3 times, and I consider myself bilingual! (English/French). So I can't imagine the russian/quebecois guys on this board who hardly know a lick of english trying to understand Kubs.

And kubs, there's a big difference between an honest mistake like that and purposfully typing poorly, and we can tell the difference. So please abide by the rules of the forum. You were asked several times already.

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ya thts true and do u have a pic of yours u could like send me ?

and prep properly all your meaning is shake well and that b.s.

Man you have to use your best english you can use on this board for people that don't know english that well. I think it's one of the rules on this site.

rule # 6

edit/ thanks gavin I should have said know

i'm sure he could find hooked on phonics on e-bay cheap

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yes that's true and do you have a pic of yours you could like send me ?

and prep properly all your meaning is shake well and that bullshit

you will definately need to give your holders a complete clean to get ALL residue off, or else paint will have a hard time sticking to the plastic. also, you may need rough up smooth parts using fine sandpaper, again, to make the paint stick better.

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