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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another Easton Promo

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A local store is offering a free pr. of Sherwood gloves if you buy a Sherwood OPS, at $249 CDN. The gloves are apparently a $200 value, but I didn't look at which model they were. Don't need gloves or another stick. <_<

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You mean that you don't get to choose which curve Si-Core... you just accept what they give you??? Really??? What the benefit of a free stick if its a curve you cant use???

what are oyu complaining about least they are giving you something, if you don;t like it why don;t you just go buy one for yourself

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Trust me friend when I say its not the money that I'm concerned about. I just think its poor PR. Reverse the tables. What if Easton gave you a free pair of skates with the purchase of a Si-Core but you had to accept the size that they sent you. How do you benefit??? I would think they would use this opportunity to get you "hooked" on another of their products. That can only happen if its the flex and curve you like. IMO

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Thats so much different. The purpose of the promo isn't to hook people on their products, but rather to entice people into purchasing their skate.

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If you don't like the curve you *might* get so much, why don't you just cut it and put a Si-Core Synthesis blade in it or just sell/trade it to get somthing you would like.

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