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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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synergy 1100

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had 2 pair in a week....1st pair Sport Chek baked too long and the tendon guards were way too loose, 2nd pair used em for 4 games and the bottom of the skate started to splinter and break. Look awesome, performance for me wasn't as good. Still waiting for my 1200C's from Easton as replacements.

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Ok I'm so attracted to this skate PURELY on its looks. How is its performance, anyone has an idea?

If the skate does not fit your foot then all you will have is a skate that looks good but doesn't help you in any way at all.

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It's like PH Hockey2 said. If the skate doesn't fit your foot your stuck with a 4-500 dollar piece of junk. Make sure you give them a good look when your fitting them and they feel comfortable. I personally love Eastons and I have the 900's which is a step down from the 1100's but not much of one. They perform admirably and are light and comfortable for me. The 1100's are an awesome looking skate and I have tried them and they work for me except the price tag. It's buyer beware when it comes to choosing the right skate for yourself.

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I am pretty happy with my vector pros but the look of these skates are just....lets put it this way, the best looking skates EVER IMO. they newer easton skates aren't that great looking....they go for $299 now

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I am pretty happy with my vector pros but the look of these skates are just....lets put it this way, the best looking skates EVER IMO. they newer easton skates aren't that great looking....they go for $299 now


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