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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Totonto Prospects

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I like going to the original Shoppsy's for lunch. It's right across from the Hockey Hall of Fame. Not the stakehouse you were looking for, but great place for sandwiches.

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Canlan Ice Sports Etobicoke.

Your fairly close to the airport, there are a ton of great places to eat , The Keg , Outback, Lonestar , they are all within 10 minutes of the rink.

Good luck in the tourney, If there is anytime to bring your A game, it is now, leave it all on the ice !

Have you been to this prospects tourney before ? It is well put togeather and the scouts out number the parents 2-1

If you need anything else about the area , let me know

Hockey shops possibly ?

Where are you comming from ?

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From Boston. Should be a hoot. First time to Prospects.

Good Luck

Nice to see you young guys from the US can benefit from a tourney in Canada :-)

Any questions , feel free to send them

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