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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Steel Length?

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Guys any ideas or suggestions please let me know.

When i was younger i always wore thick socks, and my skates were a little to big, but thats the way i liked them! I used a 280 carrier.

I've now worn my synergy's for a season, and got on fine with them! BUT i dropped down a size and the carrier is now 272. I cant help but feel that i've lost just a little speed (or maybee the beer is slowing me down lol ) I was talking with my equipment guy and he said that if i wanted he could fit some 280's on there.

What do you guys think?? Should i go for the 280's? I will get the Lightspped 2 Carriers, will the transition from the Synergy Carrier be fine?

Im a fast powerful player, but not the most agile, so i dont turn corners or change direction very quickly so i wont be to concerned with the manouverabilty i will be losing!

What do you guys think will the extra length (more surfice area) be a benefit to me? Do other people do this? I know one person.

Any help, please???

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Why not just get a larger radius. PIMP YOUR GLIDE! get more blade touching the ice, for more spped. That sounds like it matches your skating style. I'd try that before attempting a holder change.

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My skates were always too big for me too. I stopped playing in high school and started back up a year ago (about 6 years off). I ended up buying new skates a few months ago and went from a Bauer 8.5 EE to a Bauer 7 D. The steel on the 8.5 EE is 280 and my new 7D is 263 (HUGE difference... at least for me). It took me about 5 skates to get used to the shorter steel. I kept loosing my balance when standing still at times and my toe kick wasn't as agressive as before. But once you get the hang of the shorter steel you'll like it more then the longer steel. You've been skating on the wrong size steel and it's going to take some time to adjust your stride a bit.

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Thanks but why would i prefer the shorter steel?

The balance point is now under the correct part of your foot. If you feel like you need to make a change, go with a longer profile.

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