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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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M2 vs. nike apollo

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I have a few questions about the performance and your past experience of each shaft and with one would be the better buy.

Ps. Can i also get the shaft shape, length and weight thanks! :)

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M2 is boxy. Weight wise, it's about 300 or so, but a light 300 because it seems well-balanced, especially with a Zcarbon. I didn't like it at first, but it wound up being one my most favorite shafts. I had an 85 and I got a lotta snap on my shots, good accuracy, and it was very durable.

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Nike-concave- weight-around the 300-310gr

M2-more boxy with rounded corner(well that my vision) weight- more like 300gr

Lenght are both the same 48 inch, i think m2 is a better balanced shaft overall and feel SLIGTHY more ligther.

Durability:i think M2 as an advantage, both shaft are reviewed go see the review section

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The M-2 is 50 or 51.

When I had it, I used to play with 49½'inch shafts, and had to cut it down...

And it's sub300. around 285g I belive, lighter shaft inch for inch than the Z-bubble.

Feels lighter due to balance aswell...

And grip wise the M-2 is very slick while the Apollo has pretty noticable grip, more grippy than the Innovative soft grip and Bauer X-XV grip.

Shot is compareble between the shafts.

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M-2 is slick and pretty rounded (like the M1, while the L2 is the only really boxy shaft from Mission). I wouldn't have sold mine if it was less slippery, and I like the m-1 grip shaft i have a lot.

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The M-2 is 50 or 51.

When I had it, I used to play with 49½'inch shafts, and had to cut it down...

And it's sub300. around 285g I belive, lighter shaft inch for inch than the Z-bubble.

Feels lighter due to balance aswell...

And grip wise the M-2 is very slick while the Apollo has pretty noticable grip, more grippy than the Innovative soft grip and Bauer X-XV grip.

Shot is compareble between the shafts.

apollo doesn't have grip.

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