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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior help

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im going to order a dolomite shaft, what are the lengths of the sr and int? im guessing 51 and 48 like inno, but i wanna be sure.

also, has anybody used one? opinions please

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i'm gonna try out my shaft tonight, but i tried the OPS dolomite on sunday and it felt so good. i'm reluctant to try the shaft because i couldn't get my hands on any warrior blades around here yet. but the OPS felt very nice. my shots were really hard. my aim wasn't that good because of the curve difference, but i the puck feel was great and i had some nice crisp passes.

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Hey Krog, how is it? Does it feel pretty nice solid have you used it yet?

i know i'm not krog

have used the dolomite shaft twice. love it. for me proformance wise it is just a little bit better than my 1100. and that may be from having 2 different flexes. the inno is 260 the dolomite is 255. great shaft.

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alright i tried out the shaft and it seems pretty good. i can feel the difference between my OPS for sure because my shaft (from hockey monkey) is a grip shaft and the OPS is non grip and also the blade isn't a warrior blade.

for the people who are buying shafts, i would recommend waiting for the warrior blades to come out. it feels really nice. or if you can't wait, get the innovative tapered blades if available. no stores in my area carry the warrior or innovative blades right now so i had to settle for a synergy pro stock blade. it didn't feel that great compared to my old innovative blade. i had to switch back to my OPS cause i was looking like an idiot out there cause i kept turning the puck over.


syracuse: i haven't tried the SL's but i hear they are pretty nice. i used to have the old synergy OPS before. only thing is i used it for roller and it didn't feel that good compared to my inno 1100. so i guess i can't really comment on that. sorry.

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