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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another pair of One90's on Ebay

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Well I got size 10 D  and they said with the 5% off it would bring it under $500 to about $497 with free shipping

And by the way I have tried these on

A few dollars more than cost? are you serious? i beleive you are lying.

Thats great that you think i'm lying but really why would I lie about somthing stupid like a price of the skates. So while you think i'm lieing i'm laughing at you for wasting your time with this

and by the way they dont charge you until they recieve the skates in june!

if that is true, than they will probably slam you with extra charges. when you go to pick them up and pay, bring a video camera. i wanna see the look on your face when you find out the price and how bad it hits your bank account.

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Well I got size 10 D  and they said with the 5% off it would bring it under $500 to about $497 with free shipping

And by the way I have tried these on

A few dollars more than cost? are you serious? i beleive you are lying.

Thats great that you think i'm lying but really why would I lie about somthing stupid like a price of the skates. So while you think i'm lieing i'm laughing at you for wasting your time with this

and by the way they dont charge you until they recieve the skates in june!

because your 14 years old and rave about those skates as they are your avatar and post more than anyone can fathom, all of which are obvious answers

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