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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheels Makin Weird Noises?

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i recently changed my wheels because they were goin to one side. when i changed them over and spun them it was if they were makin a slight scratching noise or a grindin noise etc .

can some help me please?

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Yea, it very likely you have a misaligned bearing like Shute suggested (if its not an obvious bearing issue.

Take out the wheels and lay them flat on a table. The bearing should NOT stick out of the hub and prevent the wheel from laying flush to the table top. If it is, simply press down hard on the wheel until the bearing goes all the way in. The amount of force you'll need to do this depends on wheel model. If you have Tour or some kinds of mission skates that have a "floating" style spacer that fits between the bearings, it may need to be straightened out as well.

If that doesn't work, spin each wheel in your hand and determine if one of them is causing the noise and if its coming from a certain bearing. Many bearings in skates are "serviceable" meaning you can take them apart and clean them but usually its easier (unless you're packing swiss or specialty bearings) to just buy a new $15 set of abec 5's.

Hope that helped.

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Yea, it very likely you have a misaligned bearing like Shute suggested (if its not an obvious bearing issue.

Take out the wheels and lay them flat on a table. The bearing should NOT stick out of the hub and prevent the wheel from laying flush to the table top. If it is, simply press down hard on the wheel until the bearing goes all the way in. The amount of force you'll need to do this depends on wheel model. If you have Tour or some kinds of mission skates that have a "floating" style spacer that fits between the bearings, it may need to be straightened out as well.

If that doesn't work, spin each wheel in your hand and determine if one of them is causing the noise and if its coming from a certain bearing. Many bearings in skates are "serviceable" meaning you can take them apart and clean them but usually its easier (unless you're packing swiss or specialty bearings) to just buy a new $15 set of abec 5's.

Hope that helped.

that did yeah thank you very much

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