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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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E-blade holders?

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I have '04 pro tacks that have the ProLite 3 holder, I was wondering if I would benefit from upgrading to the E-pro holder, or are these basically the same thing? if I'm not really experiencing any problems with my current holder (no cracks or anythign yet, although I do have to tighten the screws that hold the blade in every few weeks as they seem to come a little loose but its always been that) should I just go by the philosophy of 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'?

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Prolite 3's are discontinued, so if you have to replace a holder it may be tough to find one. I liked the E-Pro blade holder better, it was just stiffer for me and I liked the easy ice removal. I hated the hassel of removing the ice from the Prolite 3. If you want a pair of the E-Pro blade holders I've got a pair or 287's.

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Your Prolite 3's should last for years. I wouldn't worry about it till you break a holder, which could be in year 2010. Don't F with them till you need to. People who go messing around with holder changes eventually have more problems than if they just left the skates alone.

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I made so much money replacing those things...especially in the front area. So thin there...

Yeah I had a buddy of mine that had a huge chunk just come right off when he blocked a shot on a pair of those.

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