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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I have decided to replace my beaten 709 G.W, however i dont want another pair of grafs.

Was conidering either RBK 9K pumps or Synergy 1300 or 1500.

Any suggestions or recommendations will help. Thanks

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I went from the graf 609 to the RBK 9k. The 9k's are an excellent pair of skates. It took me a while to break them in, but now, they're super comfy. Very durable as well, the skate looks brand new (and I play 3-4 times a week). Before getting the 9k's I looked into getting the 1300's, but read a lot of negative reviews of it cutting up the ankles. The easton skates are lighter than the 9k's, however, weight isn't a big issue with me. I would suggest trying them all on and see which one fits the best.

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I have decided to replace my beaten 709 G.W, however i dont want another pair of grafs.

Was conidering either RBK 9K pumps or Synergy 1300 or 1500.

Any suggestions or recommendations will help. Thanks

Oi i think i know who you are!

Gimme back my lightspeeds! lol ;)

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I went from Graf supra 703s and bought a pair of the 1300c. Personally, I like the Grafs alot better. The steel/holder on the easton's feel akward and I feel like I lean forward more. I didn't have any ankle problems with the 1300c's though, but im still skating in my grafs. I can't give any opinion on the 9k's but thats how I felt about the Eastons.

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