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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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OPS v. Two-Piece

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I've recently gotten back into the game (within the last 2 years) after a fairly extensive break. In that time, a whole variety of different OPS have jumped onto the market. Now, I'm still playing with an Easton Z-Bubble with a Z-Carbon blade, and it's doing what I need it to. But recently, I've been thinking of switching to a OPS instead, but I'm so afraid of snapping one and losing $150 on a broken stick. So my question is, is the performance provided by a OPS really that much better than a two-piece set up? Is it worth the risk of breaking one and replacing the entire thing as opposed to just the blade/shaft in a two-piece?

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Go with a tapered two piece combo and you get the benefits of an OPS as well as the ability to swap out blades whenever you need. I always suggest this solution when this question is asked.

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In your case I would think about getting a Tapered 2 piece combo. It offers the same features that you get with a normal two piece but also one piece performance. And with the tapered set up the kickpoint will be lower making it feel more like a ops because an ops has a low kickpoint to. If I were you I'd check out some tapered 2 pieces like a Synthesis, Synergy II, Bauer XV, TPS Response R2, TPS Response XN10 R2, RBK 6k, Mission L2 and there are also other new models out there.

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