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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do graf goalie skates fit?

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I am looking at a pair of graf skates on ebay, they are size 12. I wear size 11.5 CCM player skates.

I am trying to become a goalie, so want to buy cheap gear first.

I was told that a 12 in graf should fit similar to an 11.5 CCM.

Are they very narrow or what way do they fit widthwise?

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If you want cheap gear, why are you going after graf skates? Aren't they usually more expensive?

I have graf 750's and I love them. As far as I know, graf only has two widths, regular and wide. They don't make a double-wide.

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Are the regular width narrow or what?

CCM E are a good fit on me, so would graf be a huge difference widthwise?

yeah youll find the ankle abit tighter on the graf but since your going up a half size shouldnt be a huge difference

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