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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick lie ?

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tell me if got this right, The greater the lie number = the closer the blade will be to your body with the blade flat on the ice.So if I like to stick handle away from my body I should get a lower number lie??

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I have had this problem with a number of curves i have used, was the heel of your blades wearing down much more than the rest of your blade? If so going to a lower lie should deffinately get a more even wear on your blade and balance out your problem.

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Another lie related question... If a player was to switch from a lower lie to a higher lie, would they cut the stick slightly shorter? or longer? or keep it the same length? Something tells me that you would cut it a little shorter, so your top hand is at roughly the same height? Just a hair shorter mind you. Maybe a knob thickness or so.

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moving to a higher lie, you are correct it would have to be a little shorter. You will find you stick handle closer to your body, which some forewards prefer.

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