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South Park Mohammed

Should SP have been allowed to show Mohammed?  

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I don't think they censored it as much as it's Parker & Stone poking fun at corporate America having no spine. They knew it'd be pulled anyway. As for Comedy Central censoring it, that'd be very hypocritical of them since they've already shown him and are selling him on DVD.

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No, there are news articles all over about it.

Super best friends... that's hilarious! Back when I watched that episode, I don't even think I knew it would piss of muslims. Funny how it didn't cause a riot. I think it was more the charicature of a terrorist mohammed that caused the riot than just a charicature period.

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No, there are news articles all over about it.

Super best friends... that's hilarious! Back when I watched that episode, I don't even think I knew it would piss of muslims. Funny how it didn't cause a riot. I think it was more the charicature of a terrorist mohammed that caused the riot than just a charicature period.

Any image of a religious figure is prohibited in islam. Since they consider Jesus to be a prophet, pictures of him are forbidden as well but they don't get too worked up about that. The problems are caused by a de-centralized religion with a mostly poor, uneducated base of power.

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Super best friends is one of my all time favorite episodes. I think in america its a freedom of our first amendment. so if they put it on tv then put it on tv. You cant always get what you want.

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Cutting the scene "worked" within the context of the episode--so if it was intentional or just censored by the suits, it generated a lot of free publicity for the show (as demonstrated here). I call it a smart move on Comedy Central's part.

Also, it's ridiculous how worked up people can get over a cartoon, for God's sake (pun intended).

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