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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Butt-end taping

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I have noticed that the tape on the butt-end of sticks the pro's use looks almost gauze-like. Does anyone know what type/brand of tape they are using? And what advantages there are to this type of tape? It seems very popular. Thanks.

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Yeah, it's called sponge tape. Renfrew and a lot of tape companies make it. We sell it for $1.25 USD at my shop :D . Quite popular actually in an aray of fruitful colors. OOOOOOO PRETTY!!!

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we have lots of different colours at our store as well

i personally like it but it wears out after 2 or 3 games

try it and you'll see if you'll like it or not

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i don't like it cause it leaves my gloves "gunky" and sometimes its hard to take my hand off the butt end. and it does wear out pretty quick.

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i lay down some white tape first, then use the sponge with a strip of white at the ends to keep it down.. adn then I never replace it, the grip of it pretty much wears off after a few games.

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Yeah I used to use it, but after it gets old it gets this weird sticky layer on it, that sticks onto my palms and pretty much ruined my eastons. Plus I think it wears down your palms faster.

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Yeah I used to use it, but after it gets old it gets this weird sticky layer on it, that sticks onto my palms and pretty much ruined my eastons. Plus I think it wears down your palms faster.

I've been using the Andover version for a couple months now and it hasn't caused any extra wear on my gloves. The old stuff I tried was pretty bad (don't recall the brand) but the newer stuff is working out pretty well.

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