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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Itech HG 8800 Elite Hockey Gloves

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How do they feel? Do they feel top of the line and quality or more like a mid end performer?

Nobody in our group was overly impressed with the fit or feel, but that's a preference thing and a good reason why it's so hard to buy gloves online. They do look better than some of the older Itech gloves though.

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I'm looking for new gloves because my x80's basically have no palms left and I'll be switching colors for a dif. team so thats why Im not going to repalm them. I was thinking about either the itech 8800, vector pro, rbk 8k, ccm pro tacks, or mission 10000 gloves. I know each glove will fit differently and its a matter of personal preferance but which glove do you think would be the best to choose?

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I don't recall the fit of the RBks but I think the closest fit to what you have would be the pro tacks. They're all good products and each glove has its own strong points.

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I have the Reebok 8K's. Very flexable, protective and comfortable glove. I would recommend them or the new Vector gloves. ;)

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