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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guys, i need some help...

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ive always had problems with picking, but what do u think would be the better investment. i am currently deciding between:

1)innovative standard 420 flex soft grip Hull custom 2000 (really an 1100 painted over) in basically new condtition possibly with an inno berehowsky blade

2) A 440 flex blue fused novius OPS with soft grip in basically new condtion also.

i like both, but i think that the ops will last me a shorter time than the shaft. i am also worried that the hull shaft will be a little long.

What do U guys think :blink:

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If you have any doubts with using a OPS for its durability, just go with the shaft. If you have to cut it, you won't lose that much flex, assuming you don't butcher it down.

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something i also wanted to add was that ive never seen the novius and there is some hot wax on it. The thing that concernes me the most is cuting down the shaft, which finally i dont think ill have to do because he said the shaft +inno blade was 60" (i think he kept 3" endplug in) and i normally use around a 57" synthesis.

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Wow good stuff, a Hull shaft, always wanted to try one of those. Well anyways the Hull shaft is GI and usually GI stuff is very good performance and durability wise, to achive Senior shaft measurements and a junior flex the graphite alighntment must be very special and hard to get so IMO thats a great setup. The ops on the other hand is probally a retial which means that it will not be as good as anything GI, thats the way it is. There are many things you must consider, one a Hull shaft will have to be very durable cuz i seen his instructional videos, he puts everything hes got into a stick so durability wise i would have to say the hull shaft would be more durable then an OPS. Another thing to consider is the lack of interchangeability of OPS, if you get a bad curve you are screwed, sure you can cut it down but then chiseling and figuring out the fuse point is not as easy as it seems. Finally you siad that you worry that the hull shaft will be too long.... well hull likes his stick to be between chin and upper chest which means it is shorter then other NHLers but having equipment that fits and works as its intended to is very effective. If i were you i would get Hull shaft, you would praoblly have to cut it down and proablly stiffen it but GI stuff is amazing.

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yah im kinda likin the hull but i dunno. ur right i can see hull stuff lasting for a while and because it is better quality because it is pro stuff

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If you are overly concerned about the flex, then go with the int. However, I know I personally would go for the Hull, and possibly look into short hosel blades, like you are doing.

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Yup. It's a standard tenon blade though. One of the few standard tenon, short hosel blades ever made.

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