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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Iginla Equivalent?

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I did a search but couldn't find what I was looking for.

Can any one tell me what Warrior curve is closest to Iginla?

I believe it's either Robitaille or Draper but I'm having trouble between them.

Also how does the TPS Nash compare to Iginla? I've heard Messier is close but I need a lower lie then 6.


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Not sure about warrior, I don't think you'll get close to a clone though. The nash is the Sakic clone, almost to a T. The Messier is the closest to thing you will get to an iggy in a TPS curve. The lie says 6 but feels like 5.5 to me. If you want an Iggy clone the closest I've come upon is the Hull from Mission.

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In Warrior check out the Federov.

Its like an iginla but with a thicker blade and a 5 lie

its almost like a cross between a forsberg (modano) and an iginla


pattern db says federov is identical to the modano-forsberg

but im holding them both in my hands right now and there's no way they're the same. they play very different

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In Warrior check out the Federov.

Its like an iginla but with a thicker blade and a 5 lie

its almost like a cross between a forsberg (modano) and an iginla


pattern db says federov is identical to the modano-forsberg

but im holding them both in my hands right now and there's no way they're the same. they play very different

The Inno Fedorov was virtually identical to a Modano. Slightly longer and a similar lie.

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