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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About hockeyhair91

  • Birthday 10/03/1985

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  1. Helmet - Bauer 5000 black - no visor Itech HC100 black - no visor No shouldys Elbowpads - Really old Vics. Basically cardboard and tape. Shinners - Supreme 4000's? Gloves - Tour G7s Stick - Prostock Synergy SL retrofitted with Iginla SynII blade Hopefully a Montreal Nitro - Donati pattern once i convince him to give it to me Pants - Vapour 6's? With the Kidney Belt removed Skates - Graf Custom G3s
  2. I'm going to vent a little bit here...sorry in advance I've never heard (read) so many LHS horror stories in my life. I can't believe how inept some people can be. As far as hollows go, if a kid does not know how to do different hollows then he's not allowed on the machine until we teach him. And Its so straightforward and simple my 11year old sister could grasp the concept; and the application of which can be explained if need be, but learn your job. Whats worse though, is if a guy knows how to do what you ask for and then refuses for whatever reason. Its almost too frustrating to comprehend. Customer service has taken a serious dive in recent years. I don't understand how someone can be in a service industry and still not know how to treat people. Ya there are lots of idiot consumers out there too, but as a retailer you have to deal with those people every day. Thats reality and thats life. That doesnt mean you have to take sh*t from everyone and always grin and bear it, but if you can't even be civil to those who are honestly looking for a little help then you're in the wrong business. I hope I'm not offending anyone by the way, but if I came into your store and you were a jerk to me, I'd make a point to ensure you never get my business or the business of anyone I know ever again. wheewww...thats a load off.
  3. One of my LHS buddies is getting a custom set of those pro gloves from our easton rep in plaid and they already have demos in camo. they look unreal, and when i get a pic ill post it immediately.
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