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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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quick question about jock short combo's..

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Just wondering if the shock doctor jock short is any good? I've had an Itech (the yellow one) for a few years now and love it, but its time to get another so I was looking at the shock doctor (not the compression, just the loose short) because its now the same price as the itech.. any opinions? reason I'm debating is because my lhs actually doesn't ahve any itech ones and I'd have to drive further to find one.. otherwise I'd just pickup the itech since I know I like it.. but if the shock doctor is the same thing, I mgiht as well just get that.

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I switched from the Itech to the SD loose version and was really impressed with it. The cup fits better and stays in place really well. Also, the velcro didn't rip off like the Itechs tend to do. The best thing I can say is that once it went on, I nver noticed it until I needed it.

I have since switched to the SD compression version and prefer them to the loose fit version.

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Since the SD came out, we haven't sold one Itech. SD's are the most popular now. You really should give the compression one a shot. I didn't think I was going to like it, but the feel is awesome.

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SD has the best marketing, hence the demand. Most people never would have found out that it's a decent jock if not for the great job that they have done marketing their products. I have been using WSI jocks for years and the newer ones are the best they have produced.

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I just switched to Eastns compression jock with te velcro on teh thighs... I must say I am very impressed after initial uses. I too considered the SD but teh easton was 15% less and justas nice a product in my eyes.

I also considered the SD with all the extra thick compression around the legs... was a bit too bulky for me

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I use the Shock Doctor and it is the best Jock I have ever owned ever. Had it been around 7 years ago, I would have used this for football when I was in HS. It's very comfortable, the compression around the legs is awesome, and it's really supportive. The only knock on it I have is that the stitched on velcro pieces are pretty sharp and will scratch the through your socks from time to time. I was really curious about the Easton jock though.

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i went from long pants over the top of WSI's compression short with the straps on them to the SD compression short with velcro. To me it was an easy transition and i have to say they are comfortable as the WSI's tended to slide down in the back and they tore really easy (cheap material). I would like to see a full SD compression pant with velcro at the knee (i think nike/bauer makes something similar but with no jock).

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Got an SD compression one and HATED it. Never really felt protected and constantly found myself trying to "resituate" things so as to keep the boys in the "house" as it were. The cup tended to sit on TOP of the boys as opposed to cupping them within the confines of the cup. Ended up selling it to a teammate after 3 games/practices. I really WANTED to like the SD... but it just didn't work for me. I prefer the WSI compression or loose ones. Those seem to fit me correctly.



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