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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does anybody else have company loyalty?

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I guess you could sort of call me a Nike/Bauer equipment guy but not for everything.

I wear Graf 709SE's for skates and use Easton Ultra Lite's for stick shafts.

I wear a Bauer 5000 helmet but it will be replaced by a Mission Intake because it fits my head so much better.

My Bauer Vapor XV's will be replaced by a more protective glove and I don't care which company makes it. I made this decision after taking what was supposed to be a clearing attempt off my thumb and being unable to hold a hockey stick for a week.

My Bauer 6000 shins will eventually be discarded for a deeper fitting shinguard.

My Bauer 5000 pants will end up being replaced by a less bulky pant.

My Nike V-12 elbows fit awesome though.

I guess you could say that I'm not a brand loyalist. The gear has to work for me to be considered. Unfortunately, when I made my first gear purchases I wasn't aware of all the options so I didn't make the best choices for me. You can bet I am now though.

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I only bought CCM for years, I have skated on several pairs of Tacks, Super Tacks, and Vectors. Same as a few guys on here... my dad and his frieds all wore super tacks, so I of course would wear CCM. I recently had a (very) bad customer experience with CCM, and will never buy any of their products any more. Looking for a skate boot that might fit me to buy next!

Protective gear for me has always been Joffa, but now that I know that they are owned by The Hockey Company, I might look at Mission. People here seem to have had good customer service with the guys at Mission.

Sticks for me I am VERY unloyal. Right now I have an Easton Havoc because it won't break (a good thing to be frusterated by). But I'll use whatever is cheap and does not break at the moment.

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Skates: The past 6 years or so Ive been a Graf guy, and although their customer service isnt the best Ive loved my past 4 pairs or so.

Helmets: have always been the bauer 5000...I love that helmet lol

Gloves: I really love the comfort and feel of my Eagle X80 gloves, at first I was a little timid on the open cuff but these gloves have an unmatched comfort IMO

everything else is a mixture of hespler,CCM, etc. I usually go with whatever has comfort and quality (doesnt everyone?lol)

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