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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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work out

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I'd say do pushups every other day, you have to give your body some rest, especailly after that many reps. Have you checked with a physician about lifting weights? Do you do anything to work on your lower body, that's what you should focus on the most for hockey.

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how often should you do push-ups

im 14 rite now im doing

run 2.5 miles every day

250 pushups ,situps

and some weights

i fyou keep that up everyday, you will probably explode before you are 30 :ph34r:

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250 pushups is an absurd number, its about quality of repetitions, not quantity. Each rep should be explode upward, resist downward.

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250 is crazy. its all about controlled, complete, quality movements. If you wanna work your legs do some lunges. No weight, just lunges, move forward as you do them, kind of like walking around, except with lunges as your steps. you could try putting your feet up on a chair or the wall when you do your pushups.

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250 is ridiculous. I'm 16 and I do 100 (5 sets of 20) per day at a high tempo. Works just great at that level. The larger the quantity of press ups you do, the more stressed the muscle will become.

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Doing 250 pushups, especially in a row, if they are in good form, is good to be able to do, but you need to progress in other areas. start with 5-6 basic compound lifts to add power and a little size. Swuats, both Deadlifts, Oly lifts if you have a good coach, pullups/chins and dips (weighted and not), upright rows, etc. Pick a few and go as heavy as will allow good form, and keep conditioning. Try HIIT as well to quickly improve cardio and lactate threshold. PM me if you are interested

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250 is ridiculous. I'm 16 and I do 100 (5 sets of 20) per day at a high tempo. Works just great at that level. The larger the quantity of press ups you do, the more stressed the muscle will become.

The whole point of working out against any sort of resistance is to stress the muscles. 250 push ups sounds like a lot but it doesn't take that long to do.

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