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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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removing blade w/o cutting which ops?

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just curious on what shafts can you just heat up and pull the blade out? since i've always been cutting them but i tried heating up my Xn10 and i was quite surpise that the blade came out as clean as a two piece.

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i believe the old original synergys

i havent tried but i saw some blades on ebay that came out of the sticks.

correct me if im wrong tho

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Adrenalines also work the same as the XN10's.

for both? (the black and the blue ones)

the blue ones for sure

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i believe the old original synergys

i havent tried but i saw some blades on ebay that came out of the sticks.

correct me if im wrong tho

True but iam sure the seller did not heat up the shaft to get the blade out.

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Yea, there's been several threads about this but what we need is a definitive list! If you've personally removed a blade using these heating methods, please post it!

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I'll try with the original gold grip synergy, i'll let you know in a bit

Won´t work.

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i did it with my ST from last year. It came out, but it seemed as if carbon mat fromt he blade was woven, or at least somehow attached to the shaft other then just with glue. I ended up having to over heat things to get them apart, this caused the end of the blade to become soft, it started coming apart and delaminating, as well as the end of the shaft. I ended up having to vut a couple inches off of the end of the shaft because it was destoyed by the heat. But i just added a plug to the other end and a blade and the stick is still together 6 months later. Its actually one of my favorite sticks now.

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