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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the iceman

Easton 06 Site Is Up.

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If that SL Forsberg is using isn't photoshopped on, I don't know what PhotoShop is. He never used an '06 SL for the Flyers this year, he stayed with the SL Grip.

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If that SL Forsberg is using isn't photoshopped on, I don't know what PhotoShop is. He never used an '06 SL for the Flyers this year, he stayed with the SL Grip.

It is. Look at the edges on the sticks. :blink: Someone needs to practice using the lasso tool

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The quality of all pictures used on this website is horrendous. A very amateur job for such a big company.

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its an improvement on last years site, much easier to access..so far. I wouldnt have noticed the photoshopped stick if it wasn't mentioned, but haha comeon, did they not double check what they put on there

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Not just the sticks, all the site is like that, look at the definition around the players.

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The site is much nicer to navigate but someone definately needs to take photoshop 101 again or maybe order 1 of those teach yourself CD's.

The 1500's look great, I can't wait to get mine this week.

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The site is much nicer to navigate but someone definately needs to take photoshop 101 again or maybe order 1 of those teach yourself CD's.

The 1500's look great, I can't wait to get mine this week.

Where you getting the 1500s from, I been trying to get a pair.

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