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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey boot running shoes

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hey yall, just wondering your opinion on something. i was looking through the photoshopped equipment post and saw those hockey boot running shoes, and i thought to myself.. what a wikid idea. training off ice with your hockey boots. doing plyo and running etc in the same hockey boot as you skate it. that would make a huge difference. you would use more similar leg muscles as you would when skating, as opposed to a running shoe in which your whole foot would be able to bend around etc.

any thougts?

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sounds like you would break your legs if anything. when you skate, your ankle can pivot because your skate blade is curved and is very narrow. if you were to run on that hockey boot, your shins must be straight upright whenever you land on your boot, and would wreak havoc on your joints because every landing would force your foot flat and ankle upright. your ankles would also get weak.

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