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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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salming g10 shaft problem?

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I just got my new G10 shaft and when I inserted my hespler F4 blade it took alot of heat to get the blade to go in and now it looks like the shaft is slightly bowed out around the hosel. Is this something I should be worried about? Should I take the blade out know that it is already in there? I just don't want to hurt the durability. Hopefully I haven't already.


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To be safe I would take it out. I usually only put the same mfg replacement blades in their shafts. Have had less of a problem that way. Did have a wood blade in one of my shafts and over the winter I'm guessing it absorbed some moisture and cracked the shaft when it expanded. Just food for thought.

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That happened to my old 1100 and my flyweight.... the flyweight is still going strong and the Inno I sold to B_rad1990 after about 2 months of use and I haven't heard of it breaking or anything.

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oh man i have a g10 coming in the mail too, hope this doesn't happen to me. maybe it just slighty bowed out to begin with;like an ultra lite, but you just didn't notice it?

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The problem is "standard" isn't standard between the manufacturers and a millimeter difference can be enough to put stress on the shaft. I've had two players tell me over the past year that their blade was too big for the G10, but I don't know what type they were trying.

Either the G10 is slightly smaller than other shafts (although I've sold few hundred with no incidents), the F4 blade is slightly larger, or these particular units were out of scale.

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Thanks for the advice. I took the blade out and let the shaft cool and it was still a litttle bigger down at the end ( I checked it with a micrometer). The one thing I thought of was that the g10 shaft is a little thinner than normal so it may be wider at the end anyway to except a normal blade. ANyway I took the blade and lightly sanded it down a little on the sides and it seems fine now. I could put the blade in with no glue and a unheated shatf, but then could not get it out without heating. SO I put some glue on it And heated the shaft a little bit and it went in snug requiring just a little pressure.

Thanks again. Hopefully I didn't already hurt it.

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omg, it happened to me too... i tried 3 blades , 2 jofa, 1 koho, it seemed like they were all too big for the shaft. i shaved the hosel a bit and it took alot of heat to go in.the top of the shaft is bulged out by a bit and there is a little crack there, hopefully its just the paint not the shaft...ahhhh.. should i leave it in or take it out?

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Did you guys get these from me or Mark in Canada? We had different production runs and, since I haven't had many complaints of this nature, I'm wondering if the batches came out differently.

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hey jason i bought it from you... all 3 blades were too big for the shaft? i finally shaved down the hosel of one blade alot to get it to fit. it still bulges out a little right at the top of the shaft and there is a paint crack there...hope the shaft holds up...

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I never had a problem with the ones I sold using Salming, TPS or Christian blades. Sounds like the blade may be a little oversized.

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