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Elbow pads with the extended cuff

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Does anybody use or have used a set of elbow pads with the extended cuff such as the RBK 8K or Jofa 9177? My local LHS had a pair of 9177's on clearance that I bought on a whim, but just from wearing them around a little with my gloves on, it feels a little odd with that extra wrist protection, almost like there is less mobility. Anybody else have some thoughts on these pads? My other set is a pair of RBK 5K's. How is the level of protection between these 2 sets? Should I keep or return? Thanks.

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I used to have a pair of 9177, I didn't like it because the extended cuff would sometimes interfere with my glove cuff, maybe I have short forearms or something, needless to say, I stopped wearing them.

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for me being a very tall skater its the better way to get some gloves with longer cuffs then those jofas. i tried them for a while cause i always had a little problem with that gap between gloves an elbows, but it was just not comfortable, cause this longer piece of the elbows feels just to bulky, maybe it would be better to let do those things custom like you can see on some nhlers elbows. but for me it was easier to go with longer cuffs on gloves, it´s not the same protection than the elbows, but it feels much better!

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my ccm pro tacks slash guard is adjustable... too long.. move it up... too short make it longer to the cuff... worth every penny twice these elbows are to me

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The 9177's are great elbow pads if you wear the Vapor XXX's because they protect the wrists when your hands are bend downwards while handling the puck. On some other gloves the longer cuff interferes with your movement. If your not playing serious hockey your 5K's should be fine but if your in a contact league where you get a lot of hacking I'd upgrade to the 9144's or the Easton Synergy 700 or 900's.

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I also have the CCM Pro Tack Elbows, they are amazing.

Stay in place real well and offer great protection and mobillity + customizable as mentioned before.

Great buy.

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