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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Referee Protective

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Hi folks.

I know the likes of CCM (and others) carry referee protective, but I've never seen anything for the ribs/torso. Does anything exist?

Basic referee protective:


Something like this could be good for refs if it had more rib protection:


Any one know of anything?

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just off the top of my head if you wanted some rib padding you could get some lacrosse pads, I believe brine makes some thin rib pads

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Stevens and PG make vests for refs but I would make my own if I were you. Either get the Mission or Tour upper body protector that is geared to inline, the WSI shirt with padding in it (stealth attack shirt), or buy some cheap player shoulders and cut off the shoulder caps and biceps. You're not going to need much as you're going to get out of the way most of the time.

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I think Freg has a good idea. I just played against some kid in a pick up ice game last night and he had these Brine Lax pads that looked ideal for what you're talking about. Def worth looking into

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Thanks for the tips guys. The request is actually on behalf of a buddy of mine who refs and lines for up to 16 year olds. The other day on a "dump and chase" play he got a puck in the ribs after some player took a slap shot to dump the puck. He finished the game, but was really sore afterward. Now he's looking for protective options.

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