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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How to get rich parents to buy you everything?

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This whole thread is great. It's like "Don Cherry gone bad".

"Now look kids, if you're still up and watching the game (who would be asleep when it's double overtime... *shrug*) ...... IF YOU WANT TO PLAY LIKE KOVALEV and he's on fire this series, you HAVE to have his gear!!!! You probably don't score top shelf sweet goals like he does cause you don't have sweet gloves like he does!!!"

LMAO just thinking about it.

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Justify why you actually need the stuff. I've been skating 6 times a week for the past 12 years, (i'm now 18) and my parents never hesitated buying me top of the line skates, or in the case of this year, a half dozen SL's because they knew I'd be getting a ton of usage out of them. Now, if you don't need the stuff, and just want more shit to be excessive, then that is just stupid. A job helps also. :D

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Did he actually say that?!!

No. This whole thread is a bunch of facetiousness. I was just going along with the frivolities. Don Cherry would never say anything like that.

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