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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New stick, weighing options

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Okay, well my OPS is on it's last legs. *tear*

I'm looking to purchase a new one. I've been to my LHS and the only ones that are suited for me (int flex LH) are an easton synergy (one is a stealth), one is an easton 350, one is a bauer XXX max stickum and the last is a bauer endure.

I play a physical game and I want something that will last. I just started taking slap shots this year (shoulder surgery! YAY!) and I want something that has the give.

Am I asking too much out of a stick?

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In terms of pure Durability, the Easton Havoc are a pretty good deal. Crappy Tire had them on for sale for $80 last December, you might be able to find them cheap somewhere. The stick is as tough as nails I can't break it and if I can't break it I swear you'll never be able to.

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check out the bauer endure. it's a tad heavier compared to all of the higher end models but it'll last ya.

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check out the bauer endure. it's a tad heavier compared to all of the higher end models but it'll last ya.

Ha! Yeah right.... Mine broke after 2 practises!

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