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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey guys, I just picked up a M:Robe 500i and i'm starting to play around with it. I absolutley love the touchscreen feature of this device but i'm starting to wonder some things. #1 Is it possible to make it play videos? If so, it would be the ultimate and #2 Why does it come with such a short cord for the headphones :blink: Anyways, if you guys have one and have any comments about yours or things you have done to it please say, I would leave to hear about it and maybe it will give me some ideas.

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I have one. No, it doesn't play videos. And the short chord is because of the remote. use the remote, it's the best invention ever.

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ohhhh that nice. a camera built-in,(the other mp3 player i know with a mp3 is the samsung yp-*** but only with 1 gb) it look very nice too(but not better than my ipod photo!!)

Are the picture good?

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The photo quality is ok, best when you put them on your computer. But when your viewing photos on it from your computer they look amazing. IMO the screen is really good.

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but but but, its not an ipod??! I wouldnt say the pictures look amazing, 1.2 mp aint too impressive, and they dont exactly use the best optics. The only problem I have with a touch screen is that the screen will get as dirty as... well itll get dirty. Touch screen video ipod coming soon?? what??

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Personally, I think the touch screen is a bit jumpy, so I just keep it in the pouch and use the remote

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ohhh i see, i thought you ment when you transfered the computers to the computer they looked amazing... shoulda read better. Not having video support for a great little device like that is very disappointing. 20gb dosent leave much space, but comeeee on. They would screw it up and only support wmv though, so who cares

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