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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HGT finger flex?

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I tried on a pair of HGT yesterday, and the fingers felt as i could not open my palm completely. They seemed to be tight where the fingers meet the palm. I have been using eagle X81, and they felt to have much more range of motion. IS this just part of TPS design or something?

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They're a brand spankin new pair of gloves so they'll be a little stiff. The HGTs have the tapered fingers but that shouldn't affect how tight it is where the fingers meet the palm.

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The HGTs actually have angled splits in the fingers and an angled pad between the backrolls and fingers that make opening the hand all the way a fairly difficult proposition. You can see both in the glove on the left in this pic...

Pic of HGTs here...

The pro HGTs don't seem to have those features. At least mine don't anyway.

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ive got hgt's, and they took a bit to get use to and break in becuz i had 03' ultra lite pros which were really flexible n mobile, but now my hgts are pretty easy to open up. i just bend back the fingers every now n then

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