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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what blade for a novius?

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Hey all, I have a tapered intermediate novius, uncut (listed at 290 grams) with an R2 wood blade right now, but it feels a little blade heavy. So I feel like switching to composite. For those who track the weight of your shafts and blades/know what goes together and those who own a novius, what blade would make it balanced? I was thinking of a synergy II or r2 composite to make the stick as light as possible but I'm afraid it'd make it unbalanced in the other direction.

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R2 woodies are actually pretty light,but a composite blade will probably balance it out a little better for you.

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the only blades lighter than an R2 woodie, may be the R2 composite, may be the easton synthesis composite. but the R2 wood is about the same weight (within 10g) as the easton synthesis composite.

i am talking actual weight.. vs advertised weight...

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