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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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xxx lite question

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Heres the link

I was looking for a xxx lite and saw at the upper end of the page there was a "bauer xxx lite" then half way down the page there is a "nike bauer xxx lite"

correct me if im wrong but i thought that nike had already took over bauer before this stick was made. So why isnt it just called one or the other?

is there a differecne if im about to get one.

i think the one without the nike symbol looks nicer

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Um...Nike took over Bauer in 1995.

The Bauer branded sticks are the ones that were made before the NikeBauer cross-branding in November. Sticks made after that have the NBH logo on it.

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k so ill go with a nbh instead of just the bauer one, IF i decide to get this one?

because of the durability

maybe the pulse is a better option? :P

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k so ill go with a nbh instead of just the bauer one, IF i decide to get this one?

because of the durability

maybe the pulse is a better option? :P

now thats a nice feeling stick, tried it out last night felt great in my hands

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