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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Bauer 8500 Helmet vs. Bauer 8000 Helmet

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That's the lighting.

Lighting? Are you suggesting that it's a lighting issue that is causing for the white to appear or is that white piece of paper/device called "lighting". Or perhaps you are joking about the lighting issue? If you aren't, I'm going to ask you, are you sure? Perhaps my description isn't clear. The white "thingy" is right in the centre, when you open the link and look at the helmet, you will notice that white piece of paper/device instantly and I'm pretty sure it is not lighting that is causing that white piece to appear. If that device is called "lighting" can you elaborate on it's function please.

Nike Bauer 8500 Helmet


Bauer 8000 Helmet


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Okay, 3 against 1 and you guys are the experts, I'll take your word for it I guess. So what are the differences, I'm assuming there isn't too many if at all besides the logo then eh? I've looked at the detailed descriptions and there doesn't seem to be any differences besides the different positioning of keywords into various categories between the two helmets.

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Same helmet, but comes with the built-in light for dark rinks :)

That would be hot for us roller players. No more leaving the outdoor parks when the lights go off :lol:

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I saw the 8000's (with cage) are on sale on a few online shops but I'd have to call for the price. Are they discontinued? And do you suggest I'd go for a cheaper helmet if I play only twice a week in a garage league, or is it a good investment? (My current helmet offers no real protection, the second I get hit I almost get a concussion). What should the right price be for that helmet?

(sorry for my english)

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I've started to see the 8000 trickle out onto eBay but they usually go for about 80 plus shipping which is what you're likely to see them for online as well. Its a very comfy helmet, I just didn't like the way it looked on me and opted for the 8K.

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