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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mid Flex 6k Shaft

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HOLD UP, I order some mid flex instead of reg flex by accident. The senior synthesis blades did not go in. They spread out the end of the shaft and kinda cracked it. I would go with int. synthesis blades. It would be a much better fit, or you could end up filing down your blades which I wouldnt advise. I would go with int. but double check with JR or someone. Anyway, I really like my 6k's. They have held up really well accept one that broke in a kinda fluke. There not the lightest thing but I really like the weight, dont feel fragile, and the balance is good with my synthesis blades.

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I had a mid flex shaft and used all different tapered blades in the RBK with no problems. I used Inno, bauer, tps and RBK senior tapered. I didn't like the shaft though. I don't think it balanced property or something. V130, R2 and Inno tapered shafts performed better. my 2 cents.

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I personally think the shaft is for small hands, even more so than most intermediates. If you can use the Modano or Datsyuk curve, look to pick up a 6k Profeel Combo. You can get a shaft and two 6K blades for $150-$180.

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