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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 5000M with Prowave Visor

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I didn't want to totally hijack the Intake thread...so I started this one.


Should the shell of the helmet be pulling apart the way it is. It doesn't effect the way it fits at all. It's snug. But I've wondered. I don't recall if there were different size visors...do I have a Large visor on a Medium helmet?

Should it even be a concern?

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Bauer helmets are more narrow, it's a common problem.

I kinda figured as much. No safety issue....no real "problem"

I wouldn't say "no problem", mine split between the screw holes because of the constant tension.

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I personally wish mine stay pulled like that so the helmet don't pinch at my temples. Shouldn't be a big deal, but you could always get longer screws and more washers

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Bauer helmets are more narrow, it's a common problem.

I kinda figured as much. No safety issue....no real "problem"

I wouldn't say "no problem", mine split between the screw holes because of the constant tension.

Good to know...I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks.

Is there a better visor for Bauer helmets? I'd like to stay with the kind that attach on the sides..not the big bulk Itech ones with the metal cage part...

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