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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission M1 Pro

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So its time for new gloves and I don't want to spend a bunch of money so I've been looking at the M1 pro's cause they're priced super cheap at hockey monkey. A teamate of mine has these but in a smaller size than I'd need. I liked they way the feel but I'm not sure if the cuff is roomy enough for my liking because it looks very tight. Has anyone tried these on in there proper size and if so how was the cuff? Was it really small or did you have plenty of room for wrist movement and what not? Thanks in advance.

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Great gloves, the only problem I had with them was that the fingers were a little short.

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Thanks for the help. Yea I'm not sure if the fingers will fit. Also I've had great luck with with Hockey Monkey in the past and every time I'm in L.A. for a tourney I head down to the shop and the people are great but do you think since the gloves are a clearence item

they'll refund if necisary?

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I wore a pair of my friends M-1 pro's for pick-up not to long ago, and I own a pair of M-2's. The cuffs on either pair of gloves don't seem very tight to me. I'd say you should be ok.

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