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Face protection poll

What do you use?  

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The reason I'm asking is because I'm getting back into hockey (haven't played on ice since I was kid, several years ago) and I was wondering what everyone's preference was since I'm having a hard time deciding which one I should use. The rink I would play at at least makes you wear a half shield (which is the least I would use anyway), although I have seen guys get away with not wearing anything.

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In my opinion, you gotta be nuts to wear anything that isn't full protection. Given, half shields are better than nothing, but there's still a huge gap there where sticks can come up and catch you. As for cage vs shield, I've never had a problem seeing through a cage, and you never have the problem of it fogging up.

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I also have to wear one for college but even if i didn't have to wear one I would. The way I see it, rec hockey is not worth losing teeth over

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I personally wear nothing together with my old Cooper 4000 helmet. I mean, if you haven't got a few teeth knocked out you're not a hockey player ;)

I'll prolly update my helmet come next season though, then I might get a visor aswell, eye injuries are never fun.

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a full cage/shield would protect you best. i am wearing nothing on my ccm mht2 right now, when i was playing semi-pro i was wearing a tiny 1xcel halv visor, only to protect my eyes, thats the main point for me, not the teeths or getting some cuts, eyes are not replaceable...

even you are right, that rec hockey would not be worth losing teeth, i am going without a visor or anything else, risk is not to high to get injured at that level i am playing right now, cause speed is not too high, even though i know accidents can happen...

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I've gotten too many stitches in my face as it is so I don't take any chances.

I used to wear a shield/cage combo and took a slap shot to the face from some idiot shooting into the corners during a warm up without looking. The puck broke the shield and gave me a little cut under the eye. I wore a full cage from then on.

I've warm up without a helmet at times and a coupe of weeks ago I was 1 of 2 skaters on the ice so I was paying attention but the other guy hit the post with a slap shot and I barley had enough time to turn my head before I got it in the side of the face. No damage but there could have been if I wasn't looking.

Players think that their own skill level should dictate if they wear a cage or not, I know I'm careful with my well being, it's the rest of the players on the ice I worry about. The best skater in the world can still get caught in the grill by anyone's stick. I've gotten popped in the cage so many times with a careless stick that playing without one isn't a thought any longer.

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I just love being able to head first in to a check or a shot block and not worry about my head or face

Actually, that's kind of the problem with people getting accustomed to wearing cages. The recklessness. A high stick on a player wearing a cage really doesn't do any damage where as one on a guy with just a visor could get pretty ugly.

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full cage...I've got to go to work the next day and even an accidental puck/stick to the face can put you down for awhile.

It's not just high sticks that you have to watch outfor, a couple of months ago we had a guy have the puck roll up his stick and break his nose.

Shield cage combos are nice, but I think they take to much care...wiping off every shift, from getting scratched, etc...

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Full cage most of the time. Every now and then I'll play without one and then I'll see someone else get clipped and have to go the ER so I put it back on.

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I just love being able to head first in to a check or a shot block and not worry about my head or face

Actually, that's kind of the problem with people getting accustomed to wearing cages. The recklessness. A high stick on a player wearing a cage really doesn't do any damage where as one on a guy with just a visor could get pretty ugly.

lol I know thats why when i get to senior level i am gonna keep the full cage

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its real simple. There are lots of idiots out there and no matter how careful you are you will get hit in the face eventually. I learned this the hard way and it cost me $5000 as most no dental plans will NOT cover implants. Could have saved myself that by buying a $20 cage...

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I just love being able to head first in to a check or a shot block and not worry about my head or face

Actually, that's kind of the problem with people getting accustomed to wearing cages. The recklessness. A high stick on a player wearing a cage really doesn't do any damage where as one on a guy with just a visor could get pretty ugly.

you are absolutely right! well this topic here is pretty much fragile, cause this is beeing discussed in so many ways all over the hockey playing world.

just imagine what would happen if it would be mandatory to play without face masks? (would never happen, just imagine) the guy who´s done the high stick all the time, would start thinkin about first time he would got some in his face...

back in the old days they played without helmets, i would not say this was better, but i guess everyone was a little be more beware of the others, except dr.hook :D

all in all everybody should do what he wants or what gives him the best feeling...

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I just started wearing a cage as the league I joined requires it. Before that I wore a half shield since I can not control other peoples sticks. My dentist is not happy with my new cage as he really likes to build new teeth.

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Currently I use no facial protection. Part of the reason I stopped was because wearing a full shield or half shield I took more sticks up high then I have not using one. Ill say Ive gotten pretty lucky not getting tagged with a puck or high stick. Dont remember what I was watching but it was a while back and the issue of the shields came up. One of the commentators opinions was that the sticks come up more because of full cages being mandatory to 18 yrs old and the kids dont learn early on how to keep their sticks down. I have to agree because when Ive gone and played pick up with somof the younger guys its crazy as far as how often sticks come up and especially when these guys are still wearing full cages.

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My half shield paid for itself in the first fifteen minutes. I got a hard slash across the front that snapped my head back, would have broke my nose. Great feeling.

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