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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whats a Good Curve?

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I see this topic being closed before 5 people can answer this question... I like the St louis curve, but I think the Ovechkin curve is going to be nice. I tend to be comfortable with just about any curve, i use the yzerman for roller(completely different than the st louis).

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Has everything to do with your own personal touch and feel of course. I have found decent success with anything at lie 5 or a little bit lower. I love the toe curve because it seems to work with my puckhandling more intuitively and naturally. I also tend to sweep my wrist shots rather than snap them. Toe cure has a nice wrap on the puck at release. I want to try the Smyth for all of this.

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If you want a curve that's good for wristers, go with the Ovechkin. It has a nice little opening to it, you might like that. Also, if you prefer you wrist shots to be higher, go with a curve that's more open.

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If you want a curve that's good for wristers, go with the Ovechkin. It has a nice little opening to it, you might like that. Also, if you prefer you wrist shots to be higher, go with a curve that's more open.

Do they make an Ovechkin retail curve?

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If you want a curve that's good for wristers, go with the Ovechkin. It has a nice little opening to it, you might like that. Also, if you prefer you wrist shots to be higher, go with a curve that's more open.

Do they make an Ovechkin retail curve?

Yeah, he's with CCM

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