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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cold on OPS

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I was wondering how much of an affect does cold have on OPS's? I play alot out side in the winter and I broke my synergy when to was 10 degrees outside. Does cold have much of an affect on a OPS?

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If there is alot of moisture in the stick it will break at extreme temperatures. I buy cheap woodies when I play Pond Hockey that way if it breaks I didnt lose anything.

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I was wondering how much of an affect does cold have on OPS's? I play alot out side in the winter and I broke my synergy when to was 10 degrees outside. Does cold have much of an affect on a OPS?

thats Easton's Therma Tech(finially found a use for it) :lol:

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Obviously it depends on the temp., but generally the colder it is the more brittle things get. I once saw a guy walk outside with a room temp. piece of glass in his hands and it literally exploded when he got outside from the temperature drop.

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yea i broke my xxx stick um on a pass while playing pond hockey and there were no prior cracks or chips or anything. dont know what the temp was but it was pretty cold the stick just shattered!

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if you know your goingto play outside let the stick stay ou for at least 24hrs and you should not have a problem

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yea i was thinking that would work bubt then it would be cold staying in one position so wouldnt that make it brittle?

it shouldn't be. when i was in norway (w/usmc)we left our rifles outside. becasue they become conditioned to the cold. if we took them in to our tents (heated) they would swell up and not work right. the idea is to condition the stick to the cold. when it is properly conditioned you should have no problem.

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I think that is why it broke. I had it inside a couple of days before I played with it and didn't let it cool down. It still lasted me like 4 months, so that isn't to bad.

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