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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One Piece V120 vs. Two Piece combinations

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Hey guys,

This seems to be a great forum for discussion. I posted this over at the CCM Forum but with the state of that forum these days, it was suggested I post here. So here goes ...

I picked up a V110 and a V120 OPS stick and fell in love with the V120. They both have the same feel but I seem to have a harder, faster shot with the V120.

I picked up a V6.0 to replace the V120 after it broke. It's a nice stick but the velocity of the puck seems to be not quite as fast (they are the same flex) and I'm wondering if this has to do with the taper of the "hosel". It seems to be closer to the V110 instead of the V120.

Anyway, as I can' t find a V120 anymore two questions :

- will a V120 blade and shaft two piece have the same release as the OPS and

- does a longer taper means a faster shot at the expense of durability ?


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Hey guys,

This seems to be a great forum for discussion. I posted this over at the CCM Forum but with the state of that forum these days, it was suggested I post here. So here goes ...

I picked up a V110 and a V120 OPS stick and fell in love with the V120. They both have the same feel but I seem to have a harder, faster shot with the V120.

I picked up a V6.0 to replace the V120 after it broke. It's a nice stick but the velocity of the puck seems to be not quite as fast (they are the same flex) and I'm wondering if this has to do with the taper of the "hosel". It seems to be closer to the V110 instead of the V120.

Anyway, as I can' t find a V120 anymore two questions :

- will a V120 blade and shaft two piece have the same release as the OPS and

- does a longer taper means a faster shot at the expense of durability ?


one thing that has a difference is that the Vector 6.0 is a price point stick while the V120 is pretty high up there on the line.

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Hey guys,

This seems to be a great forum for discussion. I posted this over at the CCM Forum but with the state of that forum these days, it was suggested I post here.

What u mean? whats happening over there?

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Not to jack Mic's thread, but it has gone down the tubes. 1 or 2 guys raising havoc and no moderation.

Anywhoo. This is a great site Mic and I'm sure you will find alot of knowledge floating around.

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