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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf 703 size 7.5

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I went from CCM/Vectors size 8 to graf 703 size 8 wide. Very tight. Heel is too tight. Toe box pinched pinkie and big toe joint. Had them punched out in all those spots. They are good now. Next time I am going to get something different. Propably 705s 8W/8.5w or r. After CCMs 703 are just not deep enough and too narrow in the heel.

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I went from an size 8 tacks (old 352) to a 7.5w in the 705 model. Awesome fitting skate, deeper than the 703 but not as wide as the 609. Some say it takes a little getting used to the pitch but I didn't find that to be a big deal. What is different is that these skates are very stiff on the lower quarters, but softer up top which frees up your ankles. I had zero break in time on mine and I didn't even bake them. Try the 705 it may fit you better than the 703...

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I tried the 705 when I was looking and it would actually have been my first choice if the hockey shop hadn't let me try my Synergy 1300's. I really liked the deeper fit but the Synergys where an absolutely perfect fit for my feet and they where lighter so I chose them. I would honestly have no problem wearing the 705's either because their a really good skate for a traditionally made hockey skate. :P

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I wear 10.5 shoe and used to wear 9.5 Tacks that were a tad too roomy and rubbed my ankles. Two months ago I went to a 9.5 Graf. A little roomy in the toe box but snug everywhere else.

GD, I played with you at the old MB games.

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Ah cool, I dont think I can do roller any more not after playing ice the past 2 years. I bruised me knee prtty bad tonite in a league game... A shame I didnt get new skate sooner... maybe I could have avoided those damn boards! Isntr there supposed to ne a nother message board game? Im in Harrisburg now and dont frequent the new crappy Pens board.

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