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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help with new blade pattern

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I have only ever used PC curves and its time for a change. I would like to get a bauer XX or XXX and maybe a mission pulse but I need to find a nice curve. I like a mid curve but I don't want to go as deep as the PC because I can't keep my shoots down with it. Im not sure about an open blade or not because I have never used one. Any help on what to use?

Thanks for this awsome forum! Best hockey forum around!

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PC = Paul Coffey?

If so, try the Mission Leopold 2 (formerly Hull) or Bauer Lindros (P88).

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Lindros is the longer and deeper curve of those two. The Hull/Leo2 is a lot more mild.

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man the pulse looks so nice but man thats big $. How do shape/feel of the shafts compare between the xxx lite and the pulse/pulse grip?

thanks for all the help chadd

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Sweet! I used the PC for a while--loved the thin whippy Montreal woodies, but they changed their patterns and got harder to find. Just got excited to hear about someone else using that blade too.

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