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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM V.6.0. RB

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I'm thinking about buying a coulpe of CCM V6.0. replacement blades online, has anybody seen one in person or played with one?


Thanks in Advance, viva la MSH.


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They just hit the stores, I doubt too many have tried them. Heck, I got my CCM order this past week and am just finishing inventorying the 140 boxes! Nevermind putting everything on the floor.

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i've sold a bunch of these blades at our store and i've noticed that a lot of people are bringing them back with the toes chipped off. I noticed this happening with some of the 6.0 sticks to. they are cheap but i say spend the extras 12 bucks and get an easton.

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They are so cheap, I'm considering useing them for playing on asphalt. Have Rbk 3k Blades atm and they hold up ok, but I can get the CCM V6.0 for only 2$'s more a blade.

Just wondering if they will hold up ok, and perform better than the 3K blade for outdoor use?

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