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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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silent hill

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now, i dunno if many or any have gone to see this movie, but i left pretty confused about the ending. i never played the video games, so maybe that's why i don't understand, but can anyone explain how come it appears the mother and father are in two different realities at the end and during the movie?

i thought the movie was pretty entertaining up untill the confusing ending, and any closure would be appreciated.

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The movie barely followed the original Silent Hill game for the PSone. EX. In the game you play as the dad and after you follow Cheryl into the underground, see the skeleton and get attacked by the demon babies, you wake up in a restaurant. In the restaurant is the first location where you can save the game, pick up a gun, radio and some health drinks. Then out of no where this flying red creature crashes in through the window and you just shoot it. They make appearances later in the game along with hell hounds. Both of which weren't even in the movie.

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