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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Debating changing from a OPS to a 2PS

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$230 for the new stealth is a tough one to swallow right now. Im thinking for $230 i should get 2 z-bubbles and 2 blades. Do you think it will be a hard transition?

Also thinking about the Synergy II but i have not heard much about that yet. If its really a close match to a OPS then that may be my best bet. Even at $119 a shaft and $50 per blade it would be the best deal for me since i never seem to break the shaft- always the blade.

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I went from wood to one-piece sticks and was not happy, so now I use a shaft and wood blades and I'm a happy camper. In my opinion you get the best of both worlds, and it's still okay on the pocket book.

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if always seem to break blades then a 2peice is a great choice, and i believe the synergy ll is the same thing as the synthesis. Also where did you see 230 for the new stealth at? they are 199.99 at my store.

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I tried everything and the best set up for me is a wood blade with a tapered shaft. On a personal note, my wife got me a couple of Dolomite shafts and some custom blades from Christian for my B-day :D its ear to ear right now.

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if a stealth would be 230$ here, Id buy one.

But they sell them for like 330$ + tax lol

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I went from wood to one-piece sticks and was not happy, so now I use a shaft and wood blades and I'm a happy camper. In my opinion you get the best of both worlds, and it's still okay on the pocket book.

I did the same...hated the "feel" of the blade on the OPS. Lopped it off, shoved a wood blade in and it is a entirely new stick.

Before I buy my next OPS I might just get a six pack of Christian Wood sticks made to order, which is still less than 1 OPS

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I tried everything and the best set up for me is a wood blade with a tapered shaft.

I still prefer one piece sticks --- well some of them--- But thats a very close second--- excellent combo -- thats the way to go.

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$230 was a local rink here in the DC Area. I have been using the old Stealth for a while now- i go through about 2 a year. If i can get a blade to last as long as a stealth then its seems like a no brainer. Im just worried about the performance drop off.

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I tried everything and the best set up for me is a wood blade with a tapered shaft.  On a personal note, my wife got me a couple of Dolomite shafts and some custom blades from Christian for my B-day  :D its ear to ear right now.

You got yourself a good woman my friend.

If you break blades go with the 2 piece. Plus you can always swap blades out and try new curves.

I use a tapered shaft but just switched from wood to composite blades for a bit. It's nice to know I can go back to wood at minimal cost if I want.

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